Wicked Problem Project Preview

Here is a preview of our Wicked Problem Project for the CEP-812 course at Michigan State University.  I am a member of the Failure as a Learning Mode – Group 2.  My other team members include Destiny Moore & Jamie Veld.  Please use the following link to our project draft:

Problem Based Learning & Failure as a Learning Mode

We look forward to your comments!


Filed under CEP-812

5 responses to “Wicked Problem Project Preview

  1. Brian,
    Your group has done a great job with your project so far. I am interested to see what your mash-up will look like as that is something I am working on for my group. What site did you use for your graphic? I love it! It seems really put together and very pleasing to the eye. I agree with your topic overall. Failure is a huge learning point in our lives. We have failed at many things since childhood and that is how we learn. Even in our courses we fail and get better at it as time passes. I like that your presentation gives quotes and small snippets into your topic. Very cool!

    • I am glad to hear that you enjoyed our project. I could not agree more that we all need to be open to risk and the chance of failure that it brings. Hopefully, if we teach our students to embrace failure, we can encourage them to grow even more.

      The mash-up video will be posted very shortly. Jamie Veld created the info graphic, so I’m not sure what program she used, but she did a great job.

  2. Thomas E. Bieri

    I agree that you guys did a really good job with this. Really like the mash-up video and the graphic!

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