Failure as a Learning Mode

I Fail

Failure is not always a bad thing!  When we fail at something, if we take the time to analyze what happened, make adjustments and try again we actually learn from the failure.  In the words of Henry Ford, “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”

How do we transfer this type of learning in to the classroom?

How do we encourage students to be more creative and not be afraid of failure?

These questions are the focus of the report developed by Destiny Moore, Jamie Veld and myself.  Our recommendation to implement this in the classroom is through the use of Project Based Learning (PBL).  We believe that PBL encourages students go through a process of design, implement, analyze, and redesign.  This process can open students up to the  thought that failure is an expected part of the learning process.

Here is a link to our full report.

I look forward your comments and feedback posted below.


I fail therefore I am [Online Image]. (2012). Retrieved February, 28 2014  from

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